Domognostics+ News Log

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Διάλεξη «Μακροπρόθεσμη Στρατηγική Ανακαίνισης Κτιρίων»

George Milis
February 2020 — 2488 views

The VET4SBO Erasmus+ project uses Domognostics in training content

George Milis
October 2019 — 2864 views

11 July 2019: The Domognostics+ Kick-Off Meeting

Angelos Nicolaou
July 2019 — 2999 views

About us

Project Vision:  To make smart building technologies accessible for all building operators.  
Project Mission: To create Domognostics+, an innovative low-cost intelligent software/hardware solution for building operators to better monitor and control their building systems and reduce their operational expenses due to inefficiencies of the systems or previously undetected events, based on state-of-the-art reserach-based data analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence methods. 

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